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David M. Brunson has an MFA in Poetry and Literary Translation from the University of Arkansas. His poems and translations have been published in or are forthcoming from Copper Nickel, Mānoa: A Pacific Journal of International Writing, ANMLY, DIAGRAM, Waxwing, Booth, The Bitter Oleander, Poetry Online, Nashville Review, La Parada Poética, Asymptote, Washington Square Review, Handwritten & Co., The Journal of Italian Translation, and elsewhere. He is the editor and translator of A Scar Where Goodbyes Are Written: An Anthology of Venezuelan Poets in Chile, (LSU Press, 2023). He has been nominated for Best of the Net, and has been a semifinalist in the Cutbank, Iron Horse, and Snowbound chapbook contests. He currently lives in Santiago, Chile, where he works as an English teacher. 

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